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4colored girls has been on hiatus but stay tuned for weekly posts. In the meantime, here's a few top stories in colored girl america:

- Florida mom Marissa Alexander has been sentenced to 20 yrs in prison for firing a warning shot at her abusive husband. Yes, the same Florida that let a man walk free (and with his gun) after shooting a teenage boy dead. That same Florida.

Ntozake Shange, feminist author of the critically acclaimed choreopoem for colored girls who’ve considered suicide/ when the rainbow is enuf, as well as numerous poetry collections and novels (most recently the 600-page Some Sing, Some Cry, co-written with her sister Ifa Bayeza), gets personal, political and lyrical in her latest work, Lost in Language and Sound: A Memoir of Coming to the Arts.

By Kimberle Williams Crenshaw

One of the lasting images of the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas controversy was the photograph of the “Boxer rebellion,” the all-female Congressional delegation marching up the steps to the Senate to demand that it investigate credible claims of sexual harassment.

More than a century after Ida B Wells led the charge against lynching, professor and feminist activist Angela Davis, through the organization Critical Resistance and national and international speaking engagements, critiques the proliferation of the prison industrial complex and asks us to envision a world without prisons.

By Julianne Hing | Colorlines

The shocking Cobb County, Ga., prosecution of Raquel Nelson, who law enforcement blamed when her son was killed by a drunken hit-and-run driver, has drawn national headlines and outrage. But criminal justice watchdogs and cultural critics point out that, while Nelson’s story is extreme, it’s not that unusual—and it’s the product of centuries worth of demonizing black women that has taken a new, insidious turn during the current recession.
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DC to NYC, East Coast, United States
Black feminist literary and cultural critic, writing and teaching between DC and NYC. Can be contacted by e-mail for presentations and workshops on feminism, race, and culture.
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